Put in the simplest terms, trying truck accident cases - or any personal injuryLegal term for an injury to the body, mind, or psyche, as opposed to an injury to property. legal matter, for that matter - is about holding an at-fault person or entity responsible for their negligence.
With that in mind, we were proud to have played even a small role in helping Michigan shape its recently passed anti-indemnification law, which protects trucking companies from being held responsible for accidents that result from the negligence of a shipper. When Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed the legislation earlier this month, Michigan became the 36th state in the country to pass an anti-indemnification law. With my years of courtroom experience in handling truck accident litigation, I was pleased that trucking lawyers in Michigan - the state in which I was born and raised - asked me to review the legislation prior to it being introduced.
Anti-indemnification law is a complex matter, to be sure, which is in part why states like Michigan only recently passed such legislation, and why more than a dozen other states have yet to. But it's important to point out that Michigan legislators passed this law with the full support of the Michigan Trucking Association.
Until now, large shippers often held power over the smaller trucking companies, and included in their contracts indemnification clauses that protected shippers from being held liable for accidents that were in fact a result of their wrong-doing. Under the new legislation, these clauses are now illegal.
In the end, it comes down to common sense and holding negligent parties responsible for their actions.
Just the way our parents taught us.
Were you or a family member involved in an accident with a commercial truck? Would you like to see that the negligent parties are held responsible for their role in the accident? Contact truck accident attorney Michael Leizerman at 800-628-4500.
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No other law firm knows trucks quite like us. Our trucking law expertise and trial experience allow us to win multi-million-dollar results year after year.
Our team of truck accident attorneys works tirelessly to help your family find justice in the wake of a catastrophic truck crash.
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No other law firm knows trucks quite like us. Our trucking law expertise and trial experience allow us to win multi-million-dollar results year after year.
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Our team of truck accident attorneys works tirelessly to help your family find justice in the wake of a catastrophic truck crash.