This time of year more than any, we sympathize with a person’s frustration at waiting in line. But more serious than throngs of angst-ridden Wal-Mart shoppers are truck drivers and the hassles they endure as they navigate our nation’s toll-road systems.
We support truck drivers and trucking industry officials who are almost unanimously in support of adopting a nationwide toll-collection system that will help drivers do their jobs more efficiently, cost-effectively, and safely. Yes, safely.
By asking truck drivers to spend valuable time and cost inching through toll plazas, we put a further strain on the number of miles they’re able to cover in a given 11-hour period. As a result, drivers are tempted to exceed truck driver hours-of-service limits and log additional miles without getting appropriate amounts of rest.
Image by tomwieden from Pixabay
By asking truck drivers to spend valuable time and cost inching through toll plazas, we put a further strain on the number of miles they’re able to cover in a given 11-hour period. As a result, drivers are tempted to exceed truck driver hours-of-service limits and log additional miles without getting appropriate amounts of rest.
The problem worsens when trucking company demands press drivers to make up for the time they lose waiting in toll plazas. Even worse, in an attempt to avoid inefficient toll stops, trucking companies often send drivers on toll-free routes that aren’t optimal for commercial vehicle traffic.
To remedy the problem, many in the trucking industry have suggested that we adopt an inter-operable electronic tolling system that will allow drivers to use one toll pass nationwide. Such a system would likely be a costly endeavor, to be sure, but the long-term benefits would include saving time, money and lives.
Were you the victim of a crash with a tractor-trailer, bus or other commercial vehicle? Contact truck accident attorney Michael Leizerman at 419-243-1010.
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No other law firm knows trucks quite like us. Our trucking law expertise and trial experience allow us to win multi-million-dollar results year after year.
Our team of truck accident attorneys works tirelessly to help your family find justice in the wake of a catastrophic truck crash.
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No other law firm knows trucks quite like us. Our trucking law expertise and trial experience allow us to win multi-million-dollar results year after year.
Involved in a Crash?
Our team of truck accident attorneys works tirelessly to help your family find justice in the wake of a catastrophic truck crash.