A Georgia trucker driver has been ordered to shut down after the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration declared him to be an imminent hazard to public safety. The driver has been identified as Matthew Jason Boozer. Authorities have demanded that he not operate any commercial vehicle in interstate commerce.
According to an FMCSA, an investigation recently uncovered that Boozer is medically unqualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle on the roadways and that he had falsified the medical history section of a recent truck driving job application to conceal a disqualifying medical diagnosis.

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According to an FMCSA, an investigation recently uncovered that Boozer is medically unqualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle on the roadways and that he had falsified the medical history section of a recent truck driving job application to conceal a disqualifying medical diagnosis.
On July 6, 2015, while driving a commercial vehicle on Georgia State Route 11, Boozer reportedly suffered a medical problem, resulting in his truck crossing both lanes of traffic and crashing through a fence before colliding into a parked vehicle.
Following the crash, Boozer was sent by his employer to a physician who declared him to be medically unqualified; Boozer then fired from his job as a truck driver.
Officials then say that just one day after the accident, Boozer, filled out another truck driving application for a different employer and falsified the medical history section to conceal the medical disqualification issued the previous day, which referenced a 2011 disqualifying medical diagnosis.
Authorities say that Boozer was then hired on the basis of his fraudulent job application and drove trucks for his new employer through September 17, 2015 when his employer became aware of his July 6, 2015 crash and his disqualifying medical condition.
According to the FMCSA, violating an imminent hazard out-of-service order by a CDL holder may result in civil penalties of up to $2,500 and disqualification from operating a commercial vehicle for not less than 180 days for a first offense. A second offense could result in civil penalties of up to $5,000 and disqualification from operating a commercial vehicle for not less than two years. Criminal charges brought by the U.S. Attorney’s Office are also a possibility.
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