This March, Music City hosted many leading voices in truck crash litigation, including The Law Firm for Truck Safety attorney, Matthew Wright.
On March 25, 2022, The Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association (“TTLA”) hosted its 2022 Trucking Seminar at the Hilton in Downtown Nashville. During this event, five NBTA board-certified truck crash attorneys spoke on various topics on trucking litigation and trial practice.
Managing Partner, Matthew Wright, spoke on The Business Immunity Rule (sometimes called the “McHaffie Rule” or “Preemption Rule”) the impact it has on victims of trucking crashes, and how to overcome the unfairness this Trucking and Insurance Company Argument raises in cases where victims have been catastrophically injured or killed.

Truck Crash Attorney Matthew Wright gives talk on Business Immunity (“McHaffie” Rule) at 2022 TTLA Trucking Seminar
Managing Partner, Matthew Wright, spoke on The Business Immunity Rule (sometimes called the “McHaffie Rule” or “Preemption Rule”) the impact it has on victims of trucking crashes, and how to overcome the unfairness this Trucking and Insurance Company Argument raises in cases where victims have been catastrophically injured or killed.
Trucking companies and the insurance companies that insure trucking companies increasingly claim in courts that trucking companies cannot be held independently liable for company wrongdoing. These companies claim they can be held only liable for the negligence of their employed truck drivers.
If courts applied the logic of the trucking companies, trucking companies could not be held responsible for encouraging or requiring a truck driver to drive while overly fatigued or impaired by drugs. Juries would never hear if and how a trucking company’s actions enabled their driver’s negligence. This argument effectively results in trucking companies being “immune” from their own wrongdoing.
Insurance companies employ attorneys to make these arguments on their behalf in court because the insurance companies have financial interests to keep the money reserved for paying claims to victims as profit instead of compensating victims of truck crashes.
Referrals & Co-Counsel
Involved in a Crash?
No other law firm knows trucks quite like us. Our trucking law expertise and trial experience allow us to win multi-million-dollar results year after year.
Our team of truck accident attorneys works tirelessly to help your family find justice in the wake of a catastrophic truck crash.
Referrals & Co-Counsel
No other law firm knows trucks quite like us. Our trucking law expertise and trial experience allow us to win multi-million-dollar results year after year.
Involved in a Crash?
Our team of truck accident attorneys works tirelessly to help your family find justice in the wake of a catastrophic truck crash.
Over 40 attorneys who represent victims of truck crashes attended the TTLA Trucking Seminar to learn more about how to overcome these obstructionist insurance company tactics to help receive just compensation for what was taken from them in those crashes.
For counsel looking for easy access to the FMCSRs, The Law Firm for Truck Safety offers a free app allowing instantaneous access—even when you don’t have an internet connection—to these safety regulations through a mobile or tablet device. You may download the app for free on Apple and Google Play stores.
If you could not attend Matt’s presentation at the TTLA Trucking Seminar, you can view his other 2022 speaking engagements on The Law Firm for Truck Safety’s 2022 event calendar.